Tackling Environmental Concerns: Mitigating the Carbon Footprint of Data Transmission in Cloud Computing


  • John Mark Department of Engineering, Idaho State University Author
  • Revathi Bommu University of Illinois Springfield, One University Plaza, Springfield, IL 62703 rbommu7@gmail.com Author


Cloud Computing, Data Transmission, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Sustainability, Energy-Efficient Hardware, Data Routing Algorithms, Renewable Energy, Carbon Offsetting


The rapid expansion of cloud computing has brought about unprecedented convenience and efficiency in data storage and processing. However, this growth also poses significant challenges to environmental sustainability, particularly concerning the carbon footprint generated by data transmission. This paper explores various strategies for mitigating the carbon footprint associated with data transmission in cloud computing environments. We examine the role of energy-efficient hardware, optimization of data routing algorithms, utilization of renewable energy sources, and implementation of carbon offsetting initiatives. By integrating these approaches, cloud service providers can minimize their environmental impact while maintaining high performance and reliability standards. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, this paper offers insights into the current state of carbon emissions in cloud computing and provides practical recommendations for reducing them.


