Optimizing Resource Management in Smart Cities with AI


  • Parameshwar Reddy Kothamali QA Automation engineer, Email: parameshwar.kothamali@gmail.com Author
  • Nagaraj Mandaloju Senior Salesforce developer, Email: Mandaloju.raj@gmail.com Author
  • Sai Surya Mounika Dandyala Data engineer, Email: mounikareddy.dandyala14@gmail.com Author


Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Resource Management, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Optimization Strategies


Smart cities are the answer to managing resources and ensuring operations smoothly in this modern day of burning urbanization, for good or bad. Smart city infrastructure management: AI can be used in the efficient management of different parts of smart city infrastructures such as energy, traffic, waste, and water distribution. In this study, we propose to utilize AI techniques for better resource management in smart cities from the predictive analytics-centric viewpoint chiefly concerning machine learning algorithms as well as optimization strategies. With AI, cities can do a lot to improve the efficient allocation of resources and operations within them in ways that enhance their sustainability impact. The paper studies case examples and concrete applications that show how resource management can be most thoughtfully changed by the use of AI-supported solutions. The results imply that these AIs improve resource allocation accuracy and can facilitate real-time decision-making as well as adaptive (Figure 3D). This paper surveys the state-of-the-art methods and practices in AI-based techniques for smart city resource management, thereby providing a valuable reference to guide deep learning researchers into creating better functionalities on their next steps of embedding AI fields within urban environments.


