Advancing Precision Livestock Farming: Harnessing AI and Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Information Technology


  • 1Revathi Bommu, 2Eric Stephen University of Illinois Springfield, One University Plaza, Springfield, IL 62703 2Department of Agricultural Technology, Texas A&M University Author


Precision Livestock Farming, Healthcare Information Technology, AI, Big Data Analytics, Sensors, Microfluidics, Drug Screening, Animal Welfare, Sustainability, Livestock Management


Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) has emerged as a transformative approach in agriculture, enhancing animal welfare, productivity, and sustainability. Integrating AI and Big Data Analytics into PLF holds immense potential for optimizing livestock management practices. In this paper, we explore the convergence of PLF with Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) and discuss how advanced technologies can revolutionize the industry. We delve into the application of AI algorithms for data-driven decision-making, leveraging sensor data, microfluidics, and cloud computing infrastructure. Additionally, we examine the role of PLF in drug screening and disease detection, contributing to both animal and human health. Through this interdisciplinary perspective, we highlight the opportunities and challenges in advancing PLF through the lens of HIT, paving the way for smarter and more sustainable livestock farming practices.


